Wah @ Wah Wah Lounge
Night:Wah @ Wah Wah Lounge
Short desc.:Popular Thursday. Slightly harder than most.
Status:Weekly (Thursday)
Music:House, Com/Top40
DJs:Torren Foot, Luke Montgomery, Darkfrance, Will Lamont, Nathan Thomson, Cookz, Footzie & big name guests
Dress:Trendy, Neat Casual
Age group:18-20, 20-23, 23-25, 25-27
Specials:$3 pots, $4 champagnes, $5 goon bags, $5 basics
Correct at:Aug 4 ‘12 (Max Moose)
Address:L1, 185 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
The info above can get out of date quickly.
For the latest info, please check the venue's website.

sector, hard style dance music
jo, burwood, Thu Mar 5 22:15:30 2009