MAX MOOSE Melbourne Review:




Lvl 2, 322 Little Collins St, Melbourne
Short desc.:
Age group:
Correct at:Nov 25 ’09 (Max Moose)

Great music and crowd
Adam, burwood East, Thu Feb 19 21:51:53 2009
great. love it. good atmosphere and music people are mad.
sammy, richmond, Mon Oct 29 18:23:12 2007
the muisic and the people and the classyness
TaMmY, melbourne, Sun Sep 2 02:24:34 2007
I went to F4 last weekend was sadly disapointed...Heard a few good
things...Asked the girl @ the door what kind of crowd was in there...she said
18-30...Went up stairs ended up paying a dollar a minute we were there to cover
door charge...Pfft...Would not recommend it AT ALL...Not a young crowd at all
mostly late twenties or asians...
shae, Mon Jul 3 22:57:06 2006
Door policy or not, F4's Saturday nights rival OneLove, Room and Q Bar for house
music. It's absolutely awesome! Great club, hot crowd and hot DJs. Honestly,
check it out. You won't regret it!
Ash, Chadstone, Thu Apr 27 11:19:44 2006
All the F4 policy does is push blokes into non-sexist venues. I saw the article
in the Sunday Age a couple of weeks ago. They talk about reducing the
testosterone in venues but all the policy does is push those guys into non-
sexist clubs, increasing the testosterone and trouble in other venues.
Where does this finish? If all clubs do that u end up with a stack of blokes who
can't get into clubs who will turn to drag racing or something else. Equal
opportunity r a bigger joke every day!
Mikey, Hawthorn, Wed Feb 15 17:31:51 2006
If F4 wasn't such a sleazy hole they wouldn't need to be sexist. If the bouncers
knocked back the scum for being drunk or under-dressed the ratio of girls 2 guys
would take care of itself. Even with this rule the scum still get in.
Kristy, Doncaster, Wed Feb 15 16:48:47 2006
I used to go to F4 all the time but since they started knocking back guys it
hasn't been worthwhile. There aren't enough boys there any more. Thanks but I'd
rather be in a place with 60% guys. More to check out.
Janae, Malvern, Mon Feb 13 23:55:34 2006
Yeah F4 been running that scam for a while. It sucks and doesn't work. just goes
to show that equal opportunity is a joke.
Griff, Mon Feb 13 23:00:09 2006
The losers at F4 have an exclusion to the equal opportunity act that allows them
to knock back guys just because they are male. They say that it is there to keep
the crowd balance 50-50 but thats just crap. It aint 50-50 inside. its still
mostly guys but they just use the rule to knock back guys they don't like. Its
sexist and I cant beleive the equal opportunity people support it.
F4 r sexist, Mon Feb 13 16:44:17 2006
Ganz house dj nasty set...he crazy...always friends around
Daniela, eltham, Wed Jun 4 08:50:13 2003
This Sat may 31 9pm-5am F is 4 FREQUENCY
Hook on to the Frequency this Saturday night as the nasty house flavours of F4
are broadcast live-to-air on Triple Js mix up across Aus.
DJs Agent 99, Anyo, Donni One and Sherif.
Frequency, F4, City, Wed May 28 11:23:09 2003
Donni One this Saturday @ F4
Fresh from touring the US, one of Melbourne's MOST WANTED DJs returns to F4 this
Saturday 3rd May.
Donni One has been on the scene since 1987, and together with his long time
friend and DJ partner Arlen De Silva became the "Disko Monsters" playing premier
underground clubs such as Tasty, Hellfire, Savage and Bump. From there they
formed the now legendary House Club "Freakazoid", which hosted many of the big
names in House from around the world and was voted by American House & Garage
Legends E-Smooth and Steve "Silk" Hurley as one of the best House clubs in the
Donni One has become one of Melbourne's well recognised and upfront soulful
house jocks - so get on the floor at F4 this Saturday night, with DJ Donni One,
aNyO and Ganz for a night of stylish surrounds and nasty house music all night
long, from 9pm - 5am.
F4, Melbourne, Thu May 1 17:50:41 2003