If you cannot read this Email in its full glory please go to http://www.maxmoose.com.au/m/moose/0812update.htm
Max Moose Email: 2am Lockout: WRITE TO MPs, Protest Friday, Bumper Sticker, Armin Only. Moose on Facebook. Birthdays/Functions. (May 2008)
Spin up a night
MAX MOOSE Special Edition
May 28 2008

Hey Party Animals,

Tons happening. Pick your favourite story and forward it to your friends...

HEADLINES: 2am Lockout: WRITE TO MPs, Protest Friday, Bumper Sticker, Armin Only - Moose on Facebook - Birthdays/functions - Other popular stories - Promoters wanted - Bus tours - My Space

Stop the 2AM Curfew - Update - Convince MPs and public

We have to convince MPs and the public (colleagues, parents, etc, not clubbers) that a 2am curfew (due to start in June) is a bad idea. It will increase trouble, it is an attack on freedom, it will push people into gaming venues, it will cost jobs, and it won’t fix anything.

What to do...

We’ve made it easy. The MPs Email addresses are at maxmoose.com.au/2am. Write 1 line or 1000 lines. It all helps. Make friends do it too.

Bumper stickers (important)
You can download and print a bumper sticker here. Please do it.
Bumper Sticker

Owners & Industry Association
A large number of venues have joined together to form an association to represent the industry. If you want more info, reply to this Email.

  Protest @ Parliament FRIDAY
THIS Friday May 30, 5pm
Parliament House
Details & Registration

Join the petition group
Max Moose wasn’t ready for a big Facebook petition, so we’re now sending everyone to Petition against Melbourne drinkers 2am ban. Sign on.

Armin the 1st victim, but dealers win
How’s this for ridiculous? The new laws mean the Armin gig June 8, will run until 7am, but the bar shuts at 3am. Drug dealers celebrate. The June 9 gig is off.

Convince your family, friends & colleagues

Max Moose on Facebook
Join us now

Max Moose has two things for you to join on Facebook...
a nightlife fan group (a must join)
a nightlife fan page

& the best links for you to view:
a nightlife providers page (All may view. Only nightlife providers may join. Makes it easy to find clubs, etc.)

Its setup similarly to our MySpace (more below).

Promoters wanted

Get paid to party! There are lots of clubs looking for promoters right now. If you can bring people to a club, fill in this form and we’ll put you in touch with clubs that suit you.


We have the best My Space page for finding Melbourne nightspots, DJs and bands. We also have one you can befriend. Take a look.
  Other popular topics

Casey gets 2nd rate NightRider
Frostbites > Chapel St Hotel
Loft’s new Thursday
Motel’s new website
Neverland license denied
Fusion RnB Thur Rhythmalism
Melb Nightclub Awards Results

Birthdays, functions, any party any size

Work parties, birthday parties- its on. If you need a venue, we’ll help. See Loft’s ad or Velour’s ad or our Functions/B’days page.

Bus tours

Nightclub bus tours are a lot of fun. A bus, your friends, four clubs and competitions. You’re all on a bus, so nobody has to drive. Its a great night out. See our bus tours page.

Write to the MPs & be at Friday’s protest!

Also showing on Max Moose

Bus Tours, Club Chat Room , Gossip, E-Group, Guestlists, Photos, Reviews, Club Profiles, Cover Bands, Nightclub Sites, Club Search, Features, Tourist Guide, MaxCards, Classic Songs, Cocktails, and funny SMS.

Thanks again for your enormoose support. We love partying with you.


Max Moose
www.maxmoose.com.au - Your view on Melbourne’s Nightclubs, Pubs & Coverbands

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Emailout by: Max Moose
Max Moose
Your view on Melbourne’s Nightclubs, Pubs & Coverbands